Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Distance between a problem and a solution

Recently, I came across a lovely SMS which read "The Shortest Distance between a Problem and it's Solution is the Distance between your Knees and the Floor. The one who Kneels to Allah (SWT) can Stand Up to Anything." No problem in the world is too big for Allah (SWT). Have faith in the Almighty Allah and be steadfast in all the phases of life. Do not give up on life or the good things that the life has for you. Try to look at the good things that the life is offering to you and not at the bad phase that you are passing through. Life is not a bed of roses and its not real life without challenges in it. Challenges helps a person develop and grow. Getting into a comfort zone leads to lethargy and stagnation. No matter what challenges the life, the world throws at you, just pull up your socks and be ready to face the situation. No phase in the life is permanent. Every stage in life, good or bad, has to pass and its going to be over sooner or later.

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